
Please note we do not advise you to follow, or recommend any of these links; we merely report them.

Ethex are currently listing the following offers:

  • Energy Garden – this is a community benefit society looking to enable people to invest in renewable energy generation and making London’s communities greener. Energy Garden has assessed over 200MW of solar PV assets and has selected an initial pipeline of approximately 12.5MW. This offer is the first eligible to invest in via the new Ethex Innovative Finance ISA.
  • Low Carbon Hub – The Low Carbon Hub is building a community-owned portfolio of renewable projects for Oxfordshire. LCH are now launching their Community Energy Fund to help it move into its next, ambitious phase of activity.​

Energy4All are currently listing the following offer:

  • Assel Valley is a wind farm site located  in South Ayrshire, SLcotland that employs ten N90/2500 wind turbines. The clean energy produced is the equivalent to the energy consumed by 20,500 homes and will save almost 36,000 tonnes of CO2.  Falck Renewables Wind Limited are working in partnership with Energy4All to help develop a community owned co-operative for Assel Valley to provide benefits to the local community.

Schools Energy Co-operative launch new share offer September 2018

The Schools Energy Co-operative, part of the Energy4All community energy family, has already installed solar panels on 36 schools and are planning further installations in the near future. They have a current live share offer, for details see Share Offer Open Flyer